Myles Newman is a 19 year old songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer from Shropshire, combining a unique blend of 70s soft rock influences with accessible lyrics and floaty melodies, noted influences include : J.J. Cale, Allman Brothers Band, Steely Dan, George Harrison, Ronnie Wood, Joni Mitchell, Willie J Healey, Neil Young, The Doobie Brothers to name a few.

Hi Myles, how are you today?
I’m well thank you because the suns out!
For those that haven’t heard of you yet, how would you best describe your sound and who have been your biggest influences so far?
I’d say laid back, I suppose a lot of people say it sound quite vintage which is great as that’s all the music I’m inspired by. Bright, cheeky and hazey! Some of my biggest influences would include George Harrison, JJ Cale, Steely Dan among many others but those I’d say are the main ones.
You also take inspiration from a variety of different genres. Can you tell us what kind of music you listened to while you were growing up?
I mean when I was in guitar lessons when I was around 6-10 I was obsessed with the Rolling Stones , but as I got older I kind of drifted away from guitar music until I was about 15/16 when I sort of rediscovered my love for music I started getting into The Smiths and stuff again. My brother got me into hip hop though which was also great. Around 18 I started listening to bossanova and lots of other sorts of jazz, which broadened my horizons loads and there’s so much music out there. I try to listen to as much unheard music as possible, im always on the hunt for hidden gems in all genres.
And what was the first album you remember owning?
I remember one Christmas I got Grrr! By the Rolling Stones and Xylo Myloto by Coldplay. Hilarious.
You released a new EP, titled ‘You & Me’. Can you tell us more about it? Is there a story behind it?
Well i mean I’d love to say there is but there isn’t much. I’ve always loved Steely Dan’s lyrics as it’s always about characters or a subject that the music brings helps bring to life and I suppose the single You & Me was my subconscious effort to write a song about helpless lovers not being able to stay angry at each other after an argument. I don’t consider myself a good lyricist at all as I always write them to the music rather than the other way around, but I love that song and thought it was a more personal touch between me and the listener.
How would you say it compares to your previous releases?
I’d say these songs have a more defined sound direction. I know exactly where I want to take my music sonically following this EP, which I didn’t before. I love the guitar sounds on this EP, I was recording with my friend Paige one day when she paired the acoustic guitar with my Stratocaster and it just gave this really warm, welcoming and twangy sound to the guitars which was just the perfect foundation to layer more instruments on top so thanks Paigey! I suppose I payed a tiny tiny bit more attention to lyrics too.
The pandemic outbreak has obviously affected everyone’s plans, but what have you got in store for the rest of the year?
We’re playing a bunch of shows all through summer in places we’ve never played before, hopefully there will more a lot more to come!
And finally, you are a young and promising artist, what do you hope to have achieved as an artist in the next five years?
Haha I wish I knew. I don’t care how long it takes really I just know I want to do this and only this for as long as I can.