Abisso is a multimedia italian artistic duo with a dark mood, composed of: EryaV & D’avy.
The “Son Of the Abyss” project goes beyond the dimension of mere collaboration, translating itself in an authentic artistic symbiosis.

Hi Abisso. Introduce yourselves please and tell us what’s been happening over the past six months.
Hello everybody. Thank’s a lot for welcoming us.
We’re an italian artistic duo with a dark mood.
Our names are: EryaV & D’avy; nice to meet you.
Our project goes beyond the dimension of mere collaboration, translating itself in an
authentic artistic symbiosis.
For the past six months (among other things), we have been working on the creation of
our first music album; the current “Son Of Abyss”.
For those that haven’t heard of you yet, how would you best describe your sound, and who have been your biggest influences so far?
We can describe it as the embodiment of the sound and elements that the album is made up of. It’s something connected to atavistic regression.
About influences…Mmh…We really love dark dimension (in its broadest sense and expression), gloomy/melancholy, environmental, cinematic atmospheres and classical music. Basically, our artistic production derives mainly from our own essences.
Elements belongings to the dream sphere, are present also. It’s like a wave that breaks on macro reflecting micro and vice-versa.
Do you remember what the first song was that made you want to start a career in music?
There hasn’t been a specific song that determined it.
Music is one of those things viscerally present in us, from the beginning.
You have just released your new album, ‘Son Of Abyss’. Can you tell us how that came about?
The musical project has been “incubated” for long time (for more reasons), but only
from June 3, 2022 did it see the light.
Where did you record it?
It was entirely self-produced at the home; in Sardinia.
If you could perform at any venue in the world, where would it be and why?
We don’t perform. Only EryaV also lends her image (artistically), but not as a live
What’s the best advice you’ve been given as a musician?
We have never received any particular advice from a musician at the moment.
What’s next for you? Is there more music or any live shows on the way?
We intend to still work on “Son Of Abyss” album, but we’re planning to release the
second one in the winter.