Hey Salme, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?
Hey, thanks for having me.
When I was 5 my sister who is two years older started taking piano lessons. I convinced my mother to let me take lessons too, although the rule in the house was that you start at 7 years of age. I had not really developed a love for music yet but I was already highly competitive and determined to be better than my sister at everything. So that’s how it started. As it turns out I really liked playing an instrument. A few years later I got hold of an acoustic guitar, learned a few chords and started writing songs. I switched to electric guitar, started a band and here we are.
Describe your favorite and least favorite part about being a musician.
I love the writing process, creating something out of nothing. The moment I realize I have written something new that’s good it’s such a rush. I also get a rush from playing live, feeding off the audience.
My least favorite part is all the editing that goes into recording and producing. As a producer I do all my own programming editing and mixing, it’s very time consuming and when I’m on day 8 of editing vocals I wish that I had hired an assistant
We are in love with your single, titled ‘Reality Check’. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?
“Reality Check” is me just having a good time, letting off steam,. The song starts with a catchy guitar riff and some big “hey hey”s. It’s a fun song to play live and it’s got a nice big sound that fills the place up. Nothing unusual really happened during the recording of this song if you discount the ghosts that kept rattling their chains during the bridge. I didn’t have the heart to tell them to stop + they were kinda into it…
Where do you get inspiration for the very original photos you post on your social media?
Thank you for that compliment, I work hard on not only my music but also the presentation of it. I think the visual aspect of music is really important, your look should be an extension of how your music sounds, it should add to the experience. It’s really my personality coming out both in the music and in photos and videos – big, bold and fun. I draw inspiration from art, poems, movies and everyday life. Walking around New York City you can see a lot if you know where to look; the city is full of inspiration.
Check out www.salmedahlstrom.com for the complete Salme experience.
Where are you from and do you have a stable home or do you prefer traveling?
I was born in Sweden but have lived in the US for a quarter of a century. I don’t know about stable (hah) but I have a home that is filed with music, art, love and a serious sunglass collection.
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
My music is big, upbeat and fun. It’s hooky as hell and full of energy – put your helmets on and get ready to dance!
Can you write what was the best performance in your career? How do you remember it?
The band I was in prior to going solo was called ABoyAndAGirl. We were a typical New York City band; a group of eclectic souls vibing off the energy of the city and each other, exploring new sounds. We played a concert at a place in the West Village called The Elbow Room around the time when a few record labels were interested in signing us. The venue was sold out and rocking from the moment we hit the stage. The feeling was electric and I remember thinking to myself “we have what it takes, we can do this”. We got signed shortly thereafter. I have since played much bigger venues but this gig will always be special to me.
If you could go open a show for any artist, who would it be?
Garbage. Love them, wanna be Shirley Manson’s pet.
Who’s your ideal musician to collaborate with and why?
I have a twofold answer to this one. I would love to collaborate with Pharell, I love his beats and the funkiness he brings to each project. I would also love to write with Desmond Child. For those who don’t recognize the name he has written hits for the likes of Cher, Bon Jovi and Ricky Martin. I have always loved Desmond’s writing and the way he gets into characters, how he tells a story wrapped in those unforgettable hooks and melodies. I was set up to write with him a few years back but unfortunately it didn’t’ happen then. I am still holding out hope.
What are your plans for the future?
I have just started working on a new solo album. It’s been an ongoing process for the past couple of years to find the right “sound” for the new album. I’ve dived into different genres of music, tons of art and movies and poetry (I just saw the new Basquiat exhibit in NYC a few days ago) to find what I want to say with the new album and how to say it. It is finally coming together so now it’s time to get in the studio and start making some magic happen. Don’t expect it to be finished this year, since I do almost everything myself from writing and producing to playing all the instruments, singing and then editing and mixing it’s gonna be a while.
I am also working on an album with my friend Kelly – we have a project called Kelly + Saint (www.kellyandsaint.com) .It’s a completely different sound than mine – 60’s retro pop with an electronic twist. We’re a few songs into the album and having a blast.