Hey Hawk Percival, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. What first got you into music?
Hey Hey, thank you for chatting with me! I started playing piano when I was seven years old and that was my introduction to becoming an instrumentalist. I was taught by a Russian piano teacher named Vera, the first song that I learned on piano was, “Hall of the Mountain King”. I decided to become a musician at 7/8 years old when I watched “Yellow Submarine” by The Beatles, for the first time at school. Cartoon Paul McCartney was the catalyst for my journey into music. I switched to guitar when I was 9 years old after seeing Keith Richards in the “Start Me Up” video. My favorite Tv Channel as a kid was VH1 Classics.
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
If I had the chance to collaborate with anyone it would be Todd Rundgren. Todd Rundgren is my biggest influence when it comes to song structure, melody and instrumentation. He also inspired me to start playing everything by myself and producing my own songs. I would love to play synth or electric piano on one of his tracks. He is also one of my main vocal influences. I love Todd Rundgren!
Your latest song is ‘I Wear It Well‘. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?
I recorded everything myself and played every instrument on this track. This song took me a day to record and about 3 weeks of mixing. This song was actually another song that did not feel right and I kept running into issues while recording it. I was at the point of tears when I deleted the original vocal track/lyrics and improvised these lyrics in frustration. I listened to it after calming down and decided to keep it! My favorite part of recording this song was tracking the synth parts. I was listening to a lot of Talking Heads and Brian Eno while writing the instrumentation.
What are you focusing on right now?
At the moment, I am focusing on the release for my new album called, “Night Moods: Vol I”. It’s the first of two parts and is my first album. All of the songs are played by me, produced by me and written by me. I am excited to release it and I hope everyone enjoys it.
What makes you the happiest?
Honestly, having the ability to be creative and the ability to live as an artist and not survive. Also, just being alive and making the most of my day. Earth isn’t the best place but everyday that you wake up and have the opportunity to enjoy yourself is a blessing.
What is the biggest challenge of being an artist?
The biggest challenge that I have faced as an artist has been confidence. I had my own band for 8 years and played live shows for 5 years. It wasn’t until the last two years that I finally believed in myself enough to become a solo artist. It was the best decision of my life. Playing with groups and in group settings felt suffocating to me. I didn’t like compromising or sacrificing my ideas or parts of myself in order to collaborate with others. It started chipping away at my self-worth and hindering my creative abilities. Bands or group activities are not for everyone.
How do you structure your day?
I structure my day around my work load or practice time. I like to start my days working or creating a plan for my projects that week. I am learning to also include leisure time to prevent burn out.
Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?
I really enjoy cooking, that’s one of my favorite hobbies. Right now, I am learning how to perfect a rack of lamb. I redirect the energy that I use while working into my hobbies, my hobbies almost feel like projects because of that. Studying/researching and reading are my main hobbies. I love studying ancient/sacred texts, my online library is eclectic and academic. My favorite subjects are Occult Science/Medieval Fantasy and Religion.
Do you sing in the shower? What songs?
I like this question! I actually write the melodies for my songs in the shower, it’s my favorite place to come up with creative ideas or sort through my thoughts. Recently, I have been singing “Thief In The Night” by The Rolling Stones in the shower. Keith’s vocals are so seductive on this track, it’s a good one. I also like to sing Paul McCartney and Wings in the shower.
What are your plans for the future?
That’s for me to know and for you to find out <3